January 31, 2010

Fight Tobias Buckell's monopoly on Tobias Buckell novels!

Fight Tobias Buckell's monopoly on Tobias Buckell novels! ( 8:43 PM)

Kage Baker, 1952-2010

Kage Baker, 1952-2010 ( 4:45 PM)

January 27, 2010

Among our greatest Presidents: Ulysses S. Grant

Among our greatest Presidents: Ulysses S. Grant ( 8:46 PM)

January 19, 2010

It's high time this sort of thing stopped happening

It's high time this sort of thing stopped happening ( 2:36 PM)

January 17, 2010

Californians, start building your arks

Californians, start building your arks ( 8:27 PM)

The always-interesting Brian Eno

The always-interesting Brian Eno ( 7:30 PM)

Aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake--in color

Aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake--in color ( 3:05 PM)

Extending geological time to back before the formation of the Earth

Extending geological time to back before the formation of the Earth ( 1:39 PM)

What's actually going on with that Irish "blasphemy" law

What's actually going on with that Irish "blasphemy" law ( 1:23 PM)

Logistics and the Haiti earthquake

Logistics and the Haiti earthquake ( 1:13 PM)

California as the Ruins of the Unsustainable

California as the Ruins of the Unsustainable ( 1:09 PM)

The remarkably high suicide rate of 19th-century Texas politicians

The remarkably high suicide rate of 19th-century Texas politicians (12:37 PM)

A political-media term with which I was previously unfamiliar

A political-media term with which I was previously unfamiliar ( 7:11 AM)

January 16, 2010

R. A. Salvatore on Martha Coakley

R. A. Salvatore on Martha Coakley ( 6:38 PM)

January 15, 2010

Update from Médecins Sans Frontières

Update from Médecins Sans Frontières ( 1:40 PM)

January 14, 2010

Fourth Gormenghast novel, by Peake's widow Maeve, discovered

Fourth Gormenghast novel, by Peake's widow Maeve, discovered (10:35 AM)

January 13, 2010

How GPS takes relavistic effects into account

How GPS takes relavistic effects into account ( 3:49 PM)

"The incomparably horrific Harold Ford"

"The incomparably horrific Harold Ford" ( 2:53 PM)

Wait, Pat Robertson is alive?

Wait, Pat Robertson is alive? ( 2:48 PM)

January 9, 2010

"I, Robot meets the Risorgimento"

"I, Robot meets the Risorgimento" (via) (11:58 AM)

January 7, 2010

Arctic Britain, and how it got that way

Arctic Britain, and how it got that way ( 2:28 PM)

Two Gentlemen of Lebowski

Two Gentlemen of Lebowski ( 2:26 PM)

January 6, 2010

It's going to go on our tombstone

It's going to go on our tombstone (10:36 PM)

Roz Kaveney's magisterial review of Avatar

Roz Kaveney's magisterial review of Avatar ( 9:42 AM)

January 5, 2010

Vaccines work

Vaccines work. ( 9:08 PM)

Term limits: worst idea ever

Term limits: worst idea ever ( 7:29 PM)

Peter Watts rewrites a classic

Peter Watts rewrites a classic ( 7:24 PM)

Lord of Light, the CIA, and the Iranian hostage crisis

Lord of Light, the CIA, and the Iranian hostage crisis ( 4:18 PM)

Remembering Robert Holdstock

Remembering Robert Holdstock (11:28 AM)

Six ways filesharers will beat 3-strikes laws

Six ways filesharers will beat 3-strikes laws (11:13 AM)

When letters-page editors were blunt

When letters-page editors were blunt (11:11 AM)

David Ignatius, stenographer to power

David Ignatius, stenographer to power (11:07 AM)

Kirkus Reviews possibly not dead after all

Kirkus Reviews possibly not dead after all (11:01 AM)

January 3, 2010

"It's a circus, and the tent's on fire": the annual Bruce Sterling interview on Inkwell

"It's a circus, and the tent's on fire": the annual Bruce Sterling interview on Inkwell ( 8:40 PM)

January 2, 2010

Rain of fire, dogs and cats living together, David Brooks making sense

Rain of fire, dogs and cats living together, David Brooks making sense (10:24 AM)